F i o n n . H a n
W r i t e r ╳ C o m p o s e r ╳ D e s i g n e r

Pianist, Linz
Manager, Austria
Surgeon, Germany
2018—2019【wh323: Symphony 323】
The ‘language experiment’— Japanese dialogues within Mandarin narrative— inside the Book series is an intervention of【WH. Diary】: to freeze the true quality of “living with the unknown” in order to experience via reading.
The composition consists of 3 movements and this concept film is made of the first movement with the audio mastering in 2019. All the photography was shot in Japan by the book author, Hua-Chun Fan. The rendition of the full score could be listened here (8:57).
I. movement in F major : Fragile. Joy
II. movement in B♭major : Latent crises. Eruption
III. movement in F major : Interweaving. Reborn
This piece illustrates her stories in Japan before & after the aftermath of the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami, published as【Working Holiday Japan】book series.
Miguel Kertsman
Composer & Academic Director
Miguel Kertsman
Composer & Academic Director
When heading for somewhere you know nothing but have been yearned for long, the best way to equip yourself is not the skills, but brilliant companions, inspiring you on the road.
2016—2019【Krems ╳ Symphony 323】
To transform the book concept into music— another language—the author studied her 2nd Master degree of 'Music for Applied Media' at Danube University Krems in Austria, under the guidance of course director and composer, Miguel Kertsman, with talented colleagues from different professions.

2017—2019【London ╳ Symphony 323】
During her studies, she's been working with several music companies in the creative publishing industry at central London. The score is finished in summer while she has been collaborating with photographers, poets, artists of varied genres. The music of Symphony323 would be open in early 2019.