F i o n n . H a n
W r i t e r ╳ C o m p o s e r ╳ D e s i g n e r

Taipei +
United Kingdom
Thanks for the invitation of《HELLO JAPAN》magazine, the feature story of WH.Diary will publish next month ! Another good news is UDP decides to launch the Special Edition of WH.Diary in the next 5 months (hurray😃)!
Special Edition includes not only the selected articles from WH.Diary 1 & 2, but also the Original Videos shot in Japan, plus the Extract of 2017 Books Talk in Taipei 🎬
I will share different themes in each month, such as: Cross-culture experience, Campus story, House choice, Job hunting, and Final tips of working holiday journey.
Please feel free to leave your feedback to me (e.g., what you want to know more, which part you’re eager to see the subtitle in EN/JP, etc), that would be fun to integrate creative opinions of different smart brains(๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و
The latest teaser » REVIVE « wh323 • Special edition is right here. Stay tuned.
◐ WH.Diary 復活連載特別企劃(。◕ ∀ ◕。) !!
感謝《HELLO JAPAN》雜誌專訪與JPTIP的邀請,出版社決定讓備受好評的WH. Diary 1&2 重出江湖,陪大家一起申請今年第二波打工度假簽證!五個月的全新企劃,除了精選書中的心路歷程外,還有當年在日本拍攝的影片與2017台北分享會的精華片段:
從九月開始每月都有不同主題,分別是 : 文化體驗(culture)、夢想見学(campus)、部屋生活(house)、仕事探す(job)、和最後的經驗提醒(wh.323)。
新企劃除了每週會在FB/ Twitter/ Weibo分享外,目前實體書(WH.Diary1. 2. 3)也可在JPTIP閱覽。
這次企劃最大的目的是,實現當時寫書想幫助更多人跨出那一步的心願,所以任何感想或問題都很歡迎 ! 期待陸陸續續能聽到你們的聲音,一緒に頑張ろう(๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و