F i o n n . H a n
W r i t e r ╳ C o m p o s e r ╳ D e s i g n e r
Craziness always comes like that, one after another.
The better way to tame my wildness is totally insane and obey 😜I guess.
» February »
04• Manchester⇀Whitworth Art Gallery, Let's meet between trees :)
05-06• Liverpool⇀see 'Not Such Thing As Gravity' with the naked eye & fabulous FACTers
⇀Yoko Ono (Bluecoat) + Victorian Treasures (Walker)
07-09• London⇀Chinese New Year (UK version)
⇀Zaha Hadid (Serpentine galleries) + Tate Exchange
⇀Make machine human (Science Museum) + undressed (V&A) + ACT.Talk (South London)
10-11• VR Amsterdam
⇀The Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision (Nederlands Instituut voor Beeld en Geluid)
⇀Art Rotterdam
12• Eindhoven⇀'Do you hear the people sing?'(Van Abbe Museum) + Fluid Matter (MU)
13-14• Ghent⇀Metamorphosis (S.M.A.K) + Hands on design (Design museum)
14-15• Antwerp⇀M HKA + the private utopia + best night view of MAS + Musée Plantin-Moretus
See you there, lovely people :))
緊鑼密鼓的一月份終於稍稍告一段落,新的旅程即將在二月份展開 !
充電後的【WH.2 Diary】會在二月下旬恢復連載,【Light atlas】則會不定期跟大家見面
Happy Chinese New Year of the Rooster!