» REVIVE « exotic cuisines • 料理

Updated: Nov 29, 2020

⇓WH.323 REVIVE ❼ 料理 Exotic cuisines⇑

This video clip was shot at our big dormitory in the suburb of Tokyo, where you can get familiar with various people from different countries and become buddies easily. Since you cook together, save money together (i.e., water, gas, and hang out for cheaper supermarkets nearby!)and watch the football matches together by big TV!

The article is about the Exotic Cuisine Party we held after course, featuring Korean ‘Tteok-bokki’ (トッポキ Stir-fried rice cakes in chilly paste), Taiwanese ‘Mapo tofu (麻婆豆腐), Vietnamese ‘Thit ga kho gung’ (Ginger Chicken) and the ‘Pakapou’ (パッカパオ Stir-fried minced pork with oyster oil) from Thailand! Yummy,Yummy😋

When it comes to dormitory, it reminds me of the ‘Capsule Hotel’ in Tokyo, which has been getting popular in Europe recently.

Not only for the budget backpackers, but also for people who need to catch the early flight (or miss out the last train home), this compact space seems a smart choice for travelling! Famous director Tsai Ming-Liang also shot the inside view of the capsule bed as the key scenes of his short film 《No No Sleep》(2015).

I attended the ‘No No Sleep at MoNTUE -Tsai Ming-Liang Solo Exhibition’ in 2016 which was very well-curated. For me, it was an marvellous experience to watch his Walker series films with soft pillows and laid down with nearly hundred ‘strangers’ (i.e., the audience) inside the museum till the dawn.

You do what the actors do, feeling the solitude but not feeling alone. Indeed a quasi-magic experience 🦄

The exhibition trailer (3:15) featuring 《No No Sleep》+《To the West》(2014)+《Autumn Days》(2015) is a pretty good one, recommended ☞ also the pamphlet :)

◐ WH.Diary 復活連載七: 料理 ◑

Day 68 平井。異国料理D.I.Y PARTY !!

..碰巧進門來買自動販賣機的印尼男生,被朴拉入座;那個來倒資源回收的馬來西亞姐姐也被抓過來,跟我們一起合照。今晚的菜色實在太豐富了。せい〜のう、「いただきます〜」.. more

這週要跟大家分享的是多人宿舍的房型,少則四人多則八人一間。如果喜歡熱鬧、想跟更多國籍的同學交流的話,這樣的住所會很適合 💮 一來是共用空間大,大家一起做菜很快就變熟絡 ; 二來是位在市郊的關係,附近超市的價格也會比都心內低一點。



展覽預告 (3:15) 剪得很好,推薦給大家 😊

Life is ur ambition Lab: Taiwan (24hr arrival) / China (Beijing. Shanghai. Canton)

visual_Taipei, Tokyo (Hirai, Sōbu line)

audio_Dubai, Taipei

post-production_Vienna, Austria
